A couple days ago, I posted a sponsorship request for two orphaned girls named Annie and Abigail. These girls live with their widowed grandmother, their blind great-grandmother and their aunt in extreme poverty. Yesterday, I had the privilege of telling their grandmother, Rebecca, that God had provided sponsors for her grandchildren. When I told Rebecca the good news, she spontaneously began worshiping God. She lifted her hands toward the sky and looked toward heaven while singing repeatedly in a loud voice, "Glory to God in the highest! Hallelujah!" While worshiping God, Rebecca turned toward Annie and Abigail and said, "Give thanks to God with me, He has heard our prayers," Still worshiping the Lord, she looked at me and said, "God is faithful, He has answered my prayers. Many people have mocked me, telling me that I need to get married again so that a man can take care of me. I tell them that God is my husband and that He would take care of my needs. I tell them that if God wanted me to marry again, He would have to bring a man to me. God has answered my prayers! He is faithful!" While Rebecca was praising God, Annie and Abigail had the largest smiles on their faces that I have ever seen.
Isn't it fun to work together as God’s global church to change lives?! I praise God for His provisions and for His church! Thank you!