
Friday, July 25, 2014

Ebola has struck our hometown! Please Pray!

Downtown Gbarnga
I am writing to keep you up to date with some recent developments in Liberia.  As you are probably aware, Ebola has struck West Africa.  Ebola is a deadly virus that is passed through any bodily fluids.  It is highly contagious and has no treatment.  More often than not, those with the virus die.  Ebola has struck our hometown, Gbarnga.  There have been several cases of it in the hospital in our town.  The clinic directly next door to our house has now been closed due to the fact that one of it's doctors has tested positive.  Apparently the clinic was treating Ebola patients without knowing it.  This morning, we learned that one of our neighbors just died from ebola.  It cannot get any closer to our house than that. Other mission agencies in Gbarnga are beginning to evacuate their missionaries because of the danger.  We are seeking the Lord’s direction.  We have been recommended by those in Gbarnga to postpone our return trip by 3 months until things settle down.  We will need to make a decision soon in this matter.  Our hearts are in Liberia.  The idea of being in the States for a few more months is daunting.  We feel the responsibility of making wise discussions for the well-being of our family while feeling an intense desire to be back on the field.  Our heart’s desire is to be obedient to the Lord either in going or staying.  Please pray for those suffering and that the virus will be contained.  The situation is very serious!
This picture was taken while standing close to our house.
The clinic is the building in the background.

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