May 2012 Riley Family’s Update for Liberia
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Ministry Updates:
Last month, I was asked how many towns and villages there are in Liberia. I did not know the answer so I did a little research. I learned that there are 8,735 towns and villages in Liberia. We believe that there will be a healthy church in every town and village of Liberia within our lifetime. Praise God, In the past 3 years, He has enabled our ministry to be in 246 Locations. Most towns and villages of Liberia do not have a church. Please continue to pray for Liberia. By God’s grace, here is what took place in Liberia last month. Our missionary teams went on 78 mission trips, visiting 72 villages. With God’s help we went into 6 NEW LOCATIONS! PRAISE GOD! 9,500 pages of discipleship material were printed and distributed to people who are being discipled by our field leaders. 9 were baptized and 9 people completed our extensive Bible study program. Praise God!
My Heart Regarding the Mission:
Take a moment and look at this map. Praise God for what He is doing. In the past three years God has opened the door for ministry to be taking place in 246 locations! Praise God! Here is my prayer. I pray that God would graciously use our family in whatever way He desires in Liberia. I pray that there would be a healthy church in every town and in every village of Liberia within our lifetime. Our family is not going to Liberia as experts. We are going as servants. We only desire to know our Lord intimately and to help others know Him intimately. We desire the fruitfulness of our lives to come from intimacy with Christ. Take a moment and study this map with me. The two counties in red are the counties where God has enabled us to start church planting hubs. Three years ago God started our first church planting hub in Grand Gedeh County. The fruit has been the Gospel spreading to 112 locations in Grand Gedeh as well as spreading over the boarders into other counties. PRAISE GOD FOR WHAT HE IS DOING! Last Year God started a church planting hub in Maryland County. Now the Gospel is in 48 locations there. Look at number of locations we are working in Sino, River Gee, and Nimba Counties. They are each ready for a church planting hub to be established. I pray earnestly that God would provide the funding for these hubs to be established before our family travels to Liberia. Literally, thousands of lives will be changed by each hub. A hub cost between $1,000 and $1,500 a month to fund. From these hubs, churches will be started in every town and village of each hub’s county. Every church that is established is self-supported therefor the cost of running the hub is the only expense necessary for reaching an entire county for Christ. Please pray with me that these 3 hubs could be opened. Leaders are already trained and ready. All that is needed is the funding.
Family Update:
- Bootcamp is working. We have adjusted our standard of living to the Liberian standard. We are sleeping on the floor. We own no furniture that we will not own in Liberia. Most of the rooms in our house are completely empty. The kids have reduced their toys down to the Liberian standard. As best as we possibly can, we are now living at the same standard of living as Liberia. We know that the adjustment to Liberia will be challenging so we want to adjust as best as we can now. It took a wile for our bodies to get used to sleeping in one room on the floor but we are doing well. Several days ago, Christian was walking around tired and glassy eyed because of the change in his sleeping patterns. In his boredom he said, “There is nothing to do.” Praise God for how He is helping us transition. Here was the resolution for his boredom. We gave him one walkie-tie and we kept the other while allowing him to go into the woods behind our house to begin to collect sticks to build a shelter. He is now having the time of his life and he is enjoying God’s creation. Our children have replaced their toys with a new found love for nature and all the fun things they can do with a tree and a few sticks. Our boys are constantly making things out of sticks. Fun! Yesterday, Christian told me through the walkie talkie that he was swinging on a vine in the woods. I told him, “You are a true bush man.” (in Liberia, a bush man can sustain himself off of the rainforest). With laughter, Christian responded, “Thank You!” Father, thank You for this wonderful privilege. Thank You for giving our family a calling that is worth sacrificing for. You have been good to us and we love following You. Please help our family adjust. Please prepare us for Your calling. Please use this calling to help us raise our children to love You and Your Kingdom and not this world. Please strip us of all the desires of our flesh as You fill our souls to overflowing. We praise Your Holy Name! You are good to us! You have made us feel RICH wile owning nothing. Thank You!
- Africa Home Update: The foundation for our home in Liberia is laid and walls are starting to be built! PRAISE GOD! Kim said that construction of our house should be completed in August. Our home will be 14’ X 28’. We can choose to have it divided into 2 rooms or for it to be one large room. We are thinking that we divide it into 2 rooms. One room will be 14’ X 12’ and the other will be 14’ X 16’. I will post pictures of construction on our blog as I receive them from Africa. For all who have given money for the construction of our house, THANK YOU!!!!
- Home update. Our home is still on the market. We just reduced the price by another $10,000. Please pray that it would sell soon. Construction on our investment house is completed. Renters have moved in. The goal of this property is that we would own it debt free so that it would help fund our family’s ministry.
Financial Update:
- Monthly Budget: This is the amount of money it will take to sustain our family long term while in Liberia. Our monthly budget includes money for food, shelter, clothing, children’s education, phone in Liberia, medical, and airline tickets. Currently, we have $1,833 a month of the $2,500 a month needed to sustain us. We still need an additional $667 a month.
- Construction of House: This is the amount of money needed to build our house in Liberia. Our home is going to be larger than we thought it was going to be. It will be 14’ X 28’. The total cost of construction is $8,000. So far we have been able to send $4,700 to Liberia. We are still in need of $3,300.
- Airline Tickets: It will cost around $8,000 to buy airline tickets to send our family to Liberia. So far we have saved $0. Once we get to Liberia, the cost of airline tickets will be covered by our monthly budget.
- One time Expenses: There is a total of $4,300 of one time expenses that are needed to get our family established in Liberia. So far we have saved $0.
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for Christine. Christine is the missionary from France who is partnered with us in Liberia. She had cancer surgery on June 12 and is recovering. Please pray for a speedy recovery.
- Please pray that God would provide all the funding necessary to get our family to Liberia and sustain us once we are there.
- Please pray for more opportunities for me to speak about the mission. Last month we spoke at 2 churches and visited several others.
- Please pray that God would provide the funding to support 2-3 new church planting hubs in Liberia.
Update from Christian:
Dear Friends and Family
Thank You for supporting our ministry to Liberia. This is what’s going on right now in my life. I just had my birthday party yesterday. I got a knife sharpener, two Bible cases, a prayer journal, pencils and pens for marking my Bible, slingshot ammo, BB’s for Africa, water balloons, cloths, flashlights, spy watch, and a gun. Just this morning I went on a prayer walk. Praise the Lord for all He has done. I asked Him what to do and He said to widow with my knife. I love to do that. I am going to be serving the Lord in Africa. I love the Lord. It is amazing what the Lord has made. A couple of weeks ago I went to the Zoo and saw all sorts of animals. I saw two lions, a tiger, a bird show which showed birds from all over the world. The Lord is good. I love the Lord with all my heart. I am happy to serve Him. Thank you for partnering with us.
Update from Grace:
I sure hope will like hearing about Africa. The roads are really rough especially during rainy season. Last week was my birthday. I got a piano book, a pretty new dresses, a baby doll with a toilet, a Bible, a Bible case, and Bible marking pens. Thank you for partnering in our ministry. In Africa we will have to cross through rivers and danger. Africans eat just to live. They burn off animals hair by laying them on the fire when they cook. Here is what I don’t like about going to Africa, snakes and stuff. What I do like about Africa is telling people about Jesus. Thank you for partnering in our ministry. Bye, bye.
Update from Tommy:
I am a missionary to Africa. We went to the Zoo at Nanny’s camp. We saw an elephant and tons of stuff. Africa has very, very rough roads. Sometimes cars get stuck in mud. Africans live a hard life but it is a beautiful in Africa. It is a hard life because there are snakes that could kill you. We are going to tell people about Jesus. Thank You for listening to my letter.
Update from Don:
Letter from Melanie:
Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support!! Our hope and desire is to be in Africa in August. Unfortunately, our house still has not sold. In the last few weeks, we have had a few families who were serious interest in it but we have had no offers. Please pray that the right people will walk through it and will “have to have it”. LOL! :) Seriously, please pray that our house will sell. Also, please pray that the rest of our support will be raised. I believe that the next few months will feel like a whirl wind as God continues to answer our prayers and prepare us for Liberia. Regardless, we will be enjoying the ride. Thank you for everything!
Villages, towns and cities we have been working in:
Sino County: Bardoua, Beatuoken, Bilibokee, Charlic, Cass Town, Chebioh, Cheboken, Dagbe, Deedo, Dejila, Fanfin, Funnioh, Gbliyee, Gardoway, Greeneville, Geelor, Jalay, Jaytoken, Joazon, Jokoken, Judu, Karquekpo, Kilo, Korjayee, Kuwait Gold mining camp, Nyennwlejen, Pellkon, Pokpaken, Putu Jadweodee, Peace Camp (a gold mining camp), Pratt, Pynes Town, Qutatozon, Saygbeken, Seetor, Saybaken, Saydee, Senquene, Titus, Voobadee, Wiah. Grand Gheda County: Badou, Bah, Bargblor, Barte-jam, Bawaydee, Beezon, Beh, Bently Mining Camp, Best, Biah Tarway, Billibo, Boe, Boley, Border, Boundary, Chayee, Chebeh, Compound, CVI gold mining camp, Dian, Dolozon, Dougee Refugee Camp, Duo Town, Dweh, 48 mile, Franzaz, Garbo, Garley, Gbarbo, Gbeyoubo, Gbloue, Gboe, Gboe Geewon, Gboleken, Gambo, Geeha, Geeyah, Gleplay, Gorbowrogba, Graddeh, Grady, Gwenebo, Jaibo, James’s Sayon’s, Jargbeh, Jarwleh, Jarzon, Jayteken 1, Jayteken 2, Jellu, John David, Jonesgbaye, Julutuzon, Karlowleh, Kohn, Kojayee, Konobo, Ziah, Kpae, Kyne, Kwebo, New York gold mining camp, Nico, Old Pohan, Panwolor, Pellelzon, Penokon, Peter Saydee, Pineapple village, Polar Town, Polar Village, PTP refugee camp, Savah, Saylee, Sayubo, Sentrodu, Sewion 1, Sewion 2, Sinkon, Sloman (a gold mining camp), Solo Inside, Solo Outside, Solo Refugee Camp, Sowaken, Steven, Suahken, Taye’s Village, Tiama, Toes Refugee Camp, Toes Town, Toffoi, Togbayee, Tojillah, Toueah, Tuglor, Varglor, Vleyee, Whybo, Willie Jellu, Woloken, Wulu, Zarzar, Zaiyee, Zeon, Ziulay, Zwedru, the county prison, 4 road check stations, and the county hospital. Montserrado County: Monrovia. River Gee County: Cheboken, Dweaken, Fish Town, Fish Town Prison, Geeken, Jarkaken, Jaytoken 1, Jaytoken 2, Kanweaken, Klaboken, Podroken, Putuken, Sargba, Tartiken. Bomi County: Beh, Jaway, Joes Town. Maryland County: Cain, Cavalla, Gbolobo, Dakay, Dannis, Dibleken, Factory, Fish, 6 locations in Harper, Holegrn, Judy’s, Kablaken, Lexicon, Little Weleppo Refugee camp, Middle town, Nekpachelu, Nemelken, New half and Whole Graway Towns, Old Lady, Olegravic, Pedebo, 4 locations in Pleebo, Philadelphia, Poceken, Pulla, Refugee Village, Rock, Rubber Bag Camp, Saydeken, Saywonken, Siliken, Warteken, Weah’s Town, Wuluplukredi, the county prison and check stations. Nimba County: Beatwo, Camp 1, Dialah, Fienney, Freeman, Glalay, Gonkopa, Graie, Guotoin, Kpaytuo, Miller, Noway, Sarlay, Tappita, Towah, Unification, Venn, Wontoe, Yiteepea, Your Peg, Zarwulugbo, Zautuo. River Cess: Darhga, Gbee.
Donations may be mailed to:
P.O. Box 1648
Piqua, OH 45356
All donations are tax deductible. A receipt will be sent at year’s end. If you are interested in becoming a monthly supporter of either our family or of the mission, please send a note with your donation stating your desire. All donations without a note will go 100% toward starting churches in Liberia. Thank you for partnering with our ministry!
Stories from Liberia:
A testimony from Prince, Stanley and Napoleon (all are indigenous
trained missionaries of Wordsower Liberia): “While on one of our
mission trips in the village of Gboa the Lord’s Spirit said to me,
‘Stanley, a lady will be crying early this morning because she is a
barren woman. Her womb will be restored. Say to her ‘Your barrenness
is over, you will be the mother of children.’ As was spoken we found
a barren woman crying. For three days we went in and out of Gboa
ministering in other villages. Each day we prayed over her. When we
returned, on another mission trip, sometime later we discovered she
was pregnant. We had a celebration and worship services. At first,
the village elders and Zoe bush devil dancers ran away and stayed
hidden from us and God. Later they all gathered and listened to us
speak. Many repented and confessed their sins because they saw that
the curse on the girl had been broken. One man who confessed his sins
was the father of the girl. He said he had killed three of his
children with witchcraft and had sold this daughter’s womb to Satan.
He prayed, asked for forgiveness, and committed himself to Christ.
He, and others, said we now know God is more powerful than Satan.”
The testimony of one of our young missionaries, Prince: “I first met
Wordsower Liberia in 2009. I did the Bible marking lessons with them.
After a time, I grew cold, quit going to church and followed the ways
of the world. I had a motorbike accident and got a badly broken leg
(there are no doctors here to fix broken bones). While I was in bed
God spoke to me. He said, “Turn around.” My mother also had a dream
and was to tell me, “Turn around.” The leg, by a miracle, healed
straight and strong. I did not obey God. I continued ignore Him and
stay away from church. One night while walking on a dirt road, in the
bush, a large poisonous snake came out. It wrapped around one leg and
then the other. He was around both legs and then bit my foot. I
collapsed to the ground, blood squirting from my foot. I lost all
feeling in my body and blood started coming out of my ears and nose.
I was unable to move or talk. Someone, I didn’t know, came up to me
dressed in all white clothes. He said, ‘Oh, Prince what has happened
to you? Get up, I will help you stand. I will hold you up by your
shirt. You walk in front of me. Never walk this road again, alone.
But, you shall live.’ He then helped me up, grabbed a handful of my
shirt from the back and assisted me as I slowly walked. When we
reached the edge of my town he said, ‘Go, God will be with you and you
will be well. And, remember God in times of suffering.’ I walked on
and at the first house fell to the ground. The owner came out and
recognized me. I was unable to talk. Blood was still squirting out
my foot and coming out my ears and nose. He went into the bush and
came back with some leaves. He sucked on the snake bite. He then
carried me to my bed. I passed out in bed. While passed out a voice
said, ‘Turn around, if you do not you will loose your life. You will
be somebody for me.’ I also heard the song, “God is able to do
everything.” I did not want to miss church, so the next morning I was
able to hobble to church with a stick to help me. I gave testimony
and sang the song in my dream. I went home and slept for two days.
My family thought I was going to die. While sleeping the man on the
road was teaching me and others. He taught us about the valley of dry
bones in Ezekiel 37, about repentance and salvation. When my strength
returned I went back to Wordsower. They have been training me and
sending me out on missions. My purpose is to serve God any way He
wants me to serve Him. All He has to do is show His light and the
Today, Prince is one of our powerful, committed, sacrificial
missionaries. He goes with our teams, on motorbike, to churchless
villages to evangelize, disciple, raise up leaders and start churches.
Unreached People Groups:
There are 3 unreached people groups in Liberia according to “The Joshua Project” (Google them). They are the Dan, Vai and Gola. Altogether, In Liberia, they are over ½ a million people. We now have a strong team in Bomi County working with the Gola Tribe. We have a church there we started 2 years ago and are united with another. The Gola people are about 75% Muslim, 20% traditional religions and less than 1% Christian. A couple communities have already invited us to start churches with them.
Ivorian Refugee Camps:
We have been working in the Ivorian refugee camps here in Liberia. In our county alone there are 61,000 Liberians and 78,000 refugees. They have time and are eager to study scripture. We have assisted in starting several churches in and out of the camps. Some of these leaders have been making visits into Ivory Coast and taken our training with them. We have been invited to go with them to train and assist them in starting churches. People see international boarders, God sees a river.
Technology is always a challenge. Most of the month our copiers and generators were broken down, also our bikes are constantly needing repair. Parts have to come from Monrovia (country capital) and even as far as the USA. It can take 4 months to get parts from the USA. Also, our region ran out of gas so many mission trips had to be canceled.
Prayer Request from Liberia: Pray with us as we enter Ivory Coast. Pray for our newly established team among the Gola in Bomi County. And, pray for our equipment to not break down.