June 2013 Riley Family’s Update for Liberia
Blog: liberiacalls.blogspot.com E-mail donriley4@gmail.com Webpage: wordsowerliberia.com
Address: P.O. Box 1648 Piqua, OH 45356
The mission of Jesus; “not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Pet 3:9 NIV), is also our mission.
Our mission is that every village of Liberia will have a healthy church. Most of the towns and villages of Liberia have no church. We have worked in over 300 villages in 10 counties; there are 8,700 villages and towns in 15 counties. This month we made 48 mission trips, visiting 62 villages and other locations and we made many local mission trips. We went into 6 new villages. Many of the places we visited multiple times, our longest trip was 14 days, shortest a few hours. We printed and distributed approximately 13,200 pages of teaching material and distributed hundreds of Bibles, 33 were baptized and 9 completed our extensive Bible study program. Several factors affect how many mission trips we can go on each month; illness, injuries, motorbikes repaired, the availability of gas and money are some.
Some highlights of the month
The birth of a Church: In Liberia, people are extremely open to Christ but, sadly, they are also open to the Jehovah Witness, Muslims, Mormons, and Demonic worship. Here is an example: Last month I led a man to Christ named Lasanna. While discipling Lasanna, Lasanna led Du to Christ. Lasanna, Du, and I began to meet every day for discipleship. Two weeks ago, Du led Joseph to the Lord. Joseph joined our discipleship group. Last week, Joseph led Harry to the Lord! Two days ago, Harry led his father to the Lord. Here is Harry’s story. Harry is an artist and a teacher. He is unemployed, homeless, and hungry. He has been talking to his friends, trying to figure out how to improve his life situation. His friends encouraged him to go into the bush and give his soul to the Devil. His friend promised him that the Devil would bring wealth. While contemplating giving his soul to Satan, Harry had two dreams. In both dreams, God was chasing after him and was calling him to come so that he could minister to a multitude of people. Each dream ended with Harry choosing to run away from God. When Joseph presented the Gospel to Harry, Harry remembered his dreams and said, “I cannot escape God. He has arrested me. I cannot run any longer.” He prayed the most beautiful prayer asking God to forgive him for his sins. Tears were flowing down his face as he gave his life to GOD! We are now all worshiping together on Sundays and studying Scripture on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Last week, four men from a neighboring town attended our church for the first time. These men gave their lives to Christ last month. These men want to attend our church for one month and then take what they have learned and start a church in their home town. Isn’t God awesome! The leaders from these churches will be people who have recently given their lives to Jesus. These leaders must be trained and are eager to attend our new Bible Institute.

Education: The CEO of education over Grand Gedeh County says that 80% of the county is illiterate. Illiteracy creates a breeding ground for false doctrine in the churches! Pastors can be crooks and get away with it because no one knows how to read God’s Word for themselves. Here is an example: Throughout the County of River Gee, there are many churches. But, here is the problem, FALSE DOCTRINE! These “churches” preach a combination of Old Testament laws, Prosperity Gospel, and the traditional demonic religion. They promise people who can’t afford to buy food that if they give them their money, they will be healed and will prosper. Most of the people in these “churches” have never heard about how they can be saved! Church leaders have to be raised up to take the true Gospel into each town and village. Many of these leaders will be trained at the Bible Institute. The Bible Institute will also train teachers so they can take literacy into every town we are working in. Currently we are working in 300 locations.
Family Update / Prayer Requests:
Thank you for praying for our family. We have enjoyed 4 weeks without major sicknesses. To help prevent malaria, we put screens on our windows and ceilings in our rooms. The ceilings have made our rooms hot but we have not had malaria since they were installed. Last month, our main sicknesses were runny stomach (diarrhea) and vomiting. We believe this is due to drinking bad water. Our well is located 55 feet from our outhouses. When our outhouses were dug, they dug until they hit water. We suspect that our toilets have contaminated our drinking water. My Aunt’s church took up a special collection and has bought water filters for our family. These filters should be on our base by the end of next month. Thank you Aunt Sue! We believe the filters will take care of our remaining chronic sickness.
There is much more I could report on but I will stop at that. You can signup to receive email updates from my blog at liberiacalls.blogspot.com. I try to update the blog throughout the month with testimonies and pictures from Liberia. I hope you enjoy reading my posts. You can also check out our webpage at wordsowerliberia.com.
Don Riley
Donations may be mailed to:
Wordsower International
P.O. Box 1648
Piqua, OH 45356
Donations may also be made online by going to our webpage: wordsowerliberia.com
All donations are tax deductible. A receipt will be sent at year’s end. 100% of donations go to the mission for the Liberians and Ivorian refugees. None is used for me or administration. If there are any donation questions, you may call Doug Billeinstein at 937-459-6412.
Villages, towns and cities we have been working in:
Sinoe County: Bardoua, Beatuoken, Bilibokee, Charlic, Cass Town, Chebioh, Cheboken, Dagbe, Deedo, Dejila, Deyankpo, Fanfin, Funnioh, Gbliyee, Gardoway, Greeneville, Geelor, Greft, Jalay, Jaytoken, Joazon, Joe Village, Jokoken, Judu, Karquekpo, Kilo, Korjayee, Kuwait Gold mining camp, Nyennwlejen, Pellkon, Pokpaken, Putu Jadweodee, Peace Camp (a gold mining camp), Polay, Pratt, Pynes Town, Qutatozon, Saygbeken, Seetor, Saybaken, Saydee, Senquene, Sennajalh, Titus, Voobadee, Wiah. Grand Gedeh County: Army barracks, Badou, Bah, Bargblor, Barte-jam, Bassa, Bawaydee, Beezon, Beh, Bently Mining Camp, Best, B’hai, Tarway, Billibo, Boe, Boley, Boplue, Border, Boundary, Chayee, Chebeh, Compound, CVI gold mining camp, Deplay, Diah, Dolozon, Dougee Refugee Camp, Duo Town, Dweh, 48 mile, Franzaz, Garbo, Garley, Gbakah, Gbarbo, Gbayea, Gbeyoubo, Gbloue, Gboe, Gboe Geewon, Gboleken, Gambo, Geeha, Geeyah, Gleplay, Gorabert, Gorbowrogba, Graddeh, Grady, Gwenebo, Jackson, Jaibo, James’s Sayon’s, Jargbeh, Jarwleh, Jarzon, Jayteken 1, Jayteken 2, Jellu, Johban, John David, Jonesgbaye, Juahzon, Julutuzon, Karlowleh, Kohn, Kojayee, Konobo, Ziah, Kpae, Kyne, Kwebo, Ma Esther, New York gold mining camp, Nico, Old Pohan, Panwolor, Pellelzon, Penokon, Peter Saydee, Pineapple village, Ploe Bodee, Polar Town, Polar Village, PTP refugee camp, Queboe, Sant, Savah, Saylee, Sayubo, Sentrodu, Sewion 1, Sewion 2, Sinkon, Sloman (a gold mining camp), Solo Inside, Solo Outside, Solo Refugee Camp, Sowaken, Steven, Suahken, Taye’s Village, Tiama, Toes Refugee Camp, Toes Town, Toffoi, Togbayee, Tojillah, Toueah, Tuglor, Varglor, Vleyee, Whybo, Willie Jellu, Woloken, Wulu, Zarzar, Zaiyee, Zeon, Ziulay, Zwedru, the county prison, 4 road check stations, and the county hospital. Montserrado County: Bannerville, Jacob town, Monrovia, New Georgia, Pipeline. River Gee County: Cheboken, Dweaken, Fish Town, Fish Town Prison, Geeken, Jarkaken, Jaytoken 1, Jaytoken 2, Kanweaken, Kaytoken, Klaboken, Podroken, Putuken, Sargba, Sweaken, Tartiken, Wartiken. Bomi County: Beh, Jaway, Joes Town, Tubmansburg. Margibi: Army barracks, Bovclay, Brown, Dolos Town, Harbel camp 7, Kpuyah, Mazoe, Naway, Sherflin Barak,Takata. Maryland County: Cain, Cavalla, Cavalla Konukridi, Gbolobo, Dakay, Dannis, Dibleken, Factory, Fish, Gboloken, Halfgrayway, 7 locations in Harper, Holegrn, Judy’s, Kablaken, Kings, Lexicon, Little Weleppo Refugee camp, Middle town, Nekpachelu, Nemelken, New Half and Whole Graway Towns, Old Lady, Olegravic, Pedebo, 4 locations in Pleebo, Philadelphia, Poceken, Pular, Pulla, Puluken, Refugee Village, Rock, Rubber Bag Camp, Saydeken, Sawlowken, Saywonken, Siliken, Spring Hill, Warteken, Weah’s Town, Wechoken, Wholegrayway, Wuluplukredi, the county prison and check stations. Nimba County: Beatwo, Camp 1, Dialah, Fienney, Freeman, Glalay, Gonkopa, Graie, Guotoin, Kpaytuo, Miller, Noway, Sarlay, Tappita, Towah, Unification, Venn, Wontoe, Yiteepea, Your Peg, Zarwulugbo, Zautuo. River Cess: Darhga, Gbee. Grand Kru: Bewan, Boniken, Camp Spin, Doubbo, Gbarken, Leaceco, Woelowinken, Wropluken.
Update from Christian:
Hi, Friends and Family,
I miss you all. I have had a birthday here. I was the second person from our family to have a birthday here. I got two animal traps and a knife for my birthday. We were going to go with Jones (Jones is a bushman) to set the traps but I have been sick both times he came. Today, he is too busy so we will set them later. I hope I will catch squirrels, deer, groundhog, and monkey to eat. I have learned a game called touch. In this game, you draw a big rectangle in the dirt. One team tries to cross to the other side and back without being touched. If you do that, you win. I have learned the game of marbles. This game is really fun. Our family has started a house church. So far it has only met under a tree. Tomorrow, I am going with Dad on mission into the bush. We will teach teachers how to teach people to read, talk to the pastors, and I will teach a lesson I have prepared for the children. I love you all! Goodbye!
Update from Grace:
Hi, I love you guys. I just want you guys to know that I love it here in Liberia, Africa. It is very fun here. We got four baby kittens. They are so one died because it ate rat poison. My favorite thing is to play the game touch. Have you ever read a booksmall but called, “Kisses from Katie.” It is about a girl who went to Africa. It is really good. My favorite soup is palm butter. Our friend Harry, his dad is dieing. Harry led his Dad to the Lord. We learned how to cook planteen. Daddy made a secret recepie called Uuuummm. Every morning when the sun comes us, the white rooster comes right next to our bed room and goes cock-a-doodle-do. We get to see Jupiter, and Mercery when it is dark outside. We are pretty settled in. God is doing tons of stuff. Thousands of people are coming to the Lord. I love you all. I love you soooo much! Goodbye. Love, Grace
Update from Tommy:
Hello, its Tommy. One of my favorite foods that we make is UUmmmm (Daddy’s secret recepy). I like being here. This is a nice place. Junior is one of my favorite friends here. I can’t wait to see you guys again. I love you very much. I love you sooo much. I just can’t live without ever seeing you again, I love you sooooo much. Harry’s Dad got to know Jesus. I like to be with my friends. Good Bye, I love you really much.
Update from Donny:
I love Grandma and Grandpa. I love our family’s dog in America. Our friends Pete and Lisa are taking good care of our dog. I love our cat that lives at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. I like Africa. I have many friends. I like to make friends. I have fun. I like to play. All the people here love our family. All the kids here play different games. I love our dogs named Hope and Puppy. I love the baby chickens. I love our baby cats. One of our baby cats died. I love God. I love all my friends and family in America. I love Grandpa and Grandma, Papaw and Nanny, Aunt Mindi, Aunt marry, Aunt Mitzie, and Aunt Chris. I love rice, bananas, potatoes, and spaghetti. I love orange juice and bread. I love egg sandwiches. I like bread with sugar and cinnamon on it. I like oatmeal and cream of wheat. Wilomena makes cookies. Our family buys cookies from her. They are really good. We put peanut butter and sugar on them. A long time ago Grace went to town and got cookies. I want to eat.
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