
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Update from Mel

Dear All,

Happy Be-lated Thanksgiving!!  I really hope that you all had wonderful times with your family, or at least with your immediate family.  We had school in the morning, which my kid’s still think was absurd, and then we went out to eat as a family.  We had originally planned to eat mashed potatoes and canned corn; but on the day of, we all agreed that it would be better if we just went out.  However, Grace became ill with a headache and could not even eat a bite of her food.  I also was able to talk to almost all of my family members, including my extended relatives.  It was so nice to talk to everyone.  I ended the evening, rejuvenated.   So, I think it was a very nice day!   

As a dear friend, Junior, put it to me bright and early Sunday morning, “We have entered into the month of Christmas.”  So, yes, we have.  I am sure that  you all are more aware of it, than the rest of us, here in Liberia, as you have reminders everywhere.  It seems like a normal day, here.  Nothing different.  I asked Junior what his Christmas’s are like.  He said, “Sometimes, my parents buy us clothes for Christmas.  Normally, all the kid’s pass through the town to visit their other family members, like their Uncles or Aunts; but usually, I just stay here in the yard.”  I also know that the parents may also buy candy and other nice things like that for their kid’s if they are able.  They also usually go to church on Christmas day.  

Sunday, Don, Little Don, and Christian went to visit a church in Babble.  Don preached a message that the Lord had very clearly laid on his heart.  Little Don taught about John the Baptist and Christian taught about the birth of Christ.  Don says that he knows that the people listen better to the kid’s teaching than they do when he is teaching.  I found that to be interesting so I asked him why he thought that was so.  He said that he thinks that the people are really amazed that the kid’s can teach. 

Saturday, Don and the boys made a bunk bed for Grace and Tommy; and on Sunday, Don and the boys made a bunk bed for Christian and Little Don.  It is really nice.  I know that you all would be really impressed.  Today, Monday, we spent the day re-organizing and making our beds more personalized.  For instance, Grace (and Christian) made her bed look more like a house with a window in it.  Everyone else, has made locks for their “door” into bed.  They use sticks that they have nailed in that move when they want to get in. Very clever.  Christian and Tommy made shelves on their bed so that they can store things on their top bunk.  Also, Christian made a ”back” to his bed and a flashlight holder and an extra shelf so that he can sit up and read in bed without needing to hold his light.  Then when he is finished, he can put his book on the shelf.   I know that some of you will get pictures of them. 

As Grace said, “We are still getting moved in.”  Yes, it is true.  I am convinced that we “get moved in” in shifts.  Our minds just can’t even begin to comprehend what that even means until the next shift arrives.  We are, even, thinking about making a bed for ourselves.  Right now, we sleep on mats on the floor in our living room.  In the morning, we take our mats to the back room and roll up our mosquito net and move a few things around and it is officially our living room again.  However, the kid’s are excited about their new extra play space and we like our privacy, so we will see what happens.... 

Oh my, I almost completely forgot about my most recent adventure...I am taking motor bike lessons. The first lesson was quite the adventure, though, I must admit.  Thankfully, my teacher/husband had the wheel or I am not sure that we would be here to tell about it.  I practiced on grass for awhile and then Don apparently, thought that I was ready to try the road.  He thought that it would be a breeze for me.....not!  Just after we had passed our property, a large semi truck went around us.  Let’s just put it this way, it scared the living day lights out of me.  Naturally, I screamed until it had passed.  Then we needed to stop for a small break.  After that, I think that I did better.  But, I am positive that I would have stalled every time we downshifted and few other times and I am sure that the front wheel would have left the ground in jolts if he was not helping decide as how much gas that was needed...It is quite touchy.  You all wish that you could have been here to see the first lesson, huh? 😊 😊  There is a girl who is temporarily living with us for a year.  Her name is Mercy.  Well, she has been taking lessons and I think that she inspired the rest of us.  Because now, 3 of the 4 women on the base have a new mind set.  We can do this!!!! 

The printing press has arrived in Monrovia and has been through customs.  We are able to fly it all here in 2 different shifts all in one day. 


Mel 😊

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